IB Arts
The IB Arts subject grouping consists of Theatre Arts, Drama, Visual Arts and Music. These subjects provide a way for students to “develop curiosity about themselves, others and the world around them”; a creative aspect of their development into thoughtful and inquiring problem-solvers.
The arts provide us with the means to examine our world and what it is to be human; as universal forms of human expression, the arts enable us to share our experiences, discoveries, understandings and preoccupations. As such, the arts provide opportunities for intercultural exchange and dialogue while also shaping our individual and collective identities.
In the Middle Years Programme, students will develop their skills and understanding through creative processes in Visual Arts, Drama and Music, making “purposeful connections between investigation”, understanding the contexts that surround the creation of art and developing their perspectives on the world.
The MYP values the process of creating, performing and presenting artwork, and gives students opportunities to function as artists and to develop as learners. Students learn to use the arts to convey feelings, experiences and ideas about the world, and in doing so they acquire and develop techniques and creative skills. They learn the value of reflection and evaluation as a means of developing their ideas, their skills and their work.
Thinking and working creatively is fundamental to MYP arts, and it can easily become a focus in other subject groups too. Heightened awareness of thinking creatively encourages student-centred learning and develops students’ lifelong learning skills. It also prepares them for a world where they may be required to be flexible, innovative and entrepreneurial.
In the Diploma Programme, students who opt to take a Music, Visual Arts or Theatre Arts as an IB art “explore and value the diversity of the arts across time, place and cultures”, developing their skills of analysis and closely investigating the changing nature of the arts.
Every year, our SL and HL students embrace a number of opportunities to showcase their creative research and development of artistic skills and techniques. Theatre showcases, our annual music celebration and the IB Diploma Visual Arts Grade 12 Exhibition all offer insight into the Arts at Halcyon.
Our visual art team harness our students' creative impulses within and beyond the curriculum.
Learning in London
Exploring London’s museums, theatres, and exhibitions enriches learning across all IB subjects, turning the city into our classroom. We make use of London's traditional offerings such as established galleries and theatres, as well as less well-known offerings, such as developing live street art in Leake Street Arches.
Campus Visitors
We bring top artists to our students. Recently, Grade 6 explored Comic Art with Andrew Hammond.
Visual Arts Exhibition
Our annual central London exhibition showcases Grade 12 students' standout pieces, celebrating their unique, thought-provoking works inspired by both classic and contemporary artists.
Our Arts Team