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Zoological Society of London Collaboration

Two students looking at penguins in water

It feels difficult to comprehend that just a few years ago, field trips were restricted to Zoom calls, with learning characterised by stringent masking, sanitising and extended absences due to Covid-19 cases and possible exposures. Since then, we have delivered a range of ambitious educational field trips. Many of these fly under the radar, but all of them contextualise and deepen our learning, whether it’s in London or Internationally. 

An example is our G10 ESS fortnightly trips to the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). Halcyon Science Teacher, Mr Steiner, has forged a collaboration with the ZSL, which means each year Grade 10 ESS students take tours outside the enclosures of endangered species and learn from leading scientists. So far this year the group has visited Partula snails, penguins, vultures and amphibians where they learn from ZSL scientists about their conservation approaches.
New for this year is a visit to the amphibian enclosure, specifically looking at Mountain Chicken Frogs, as well as Chinese Giant Salamanders, where students learn from ZSL scientists who have supported amphibian conservation in China. 

Amelie, who is part of Grade 10 ESS, took a particular fascination to vultures, sharing conversations with the keeper and understanding why numbers are diminishing because of bioaccumulation. Amelie noted interesting sociological reasons, such as population declines caused by religious beliefs. 

"In India the cow is a sacred animal so when cows become sick they are often treated with diclofenac to make it comfortable. The problem is when vultures then eat the cow they also eat the diclofenac, which is poisonous to them. In Africa vultures are killed because of a belief that eating their eyes allows you to see the future. So the cultural and religious practices  are resulting in  a decline in vulture populations."

Following this research, students will put together the theory and practice and write a species management plan, with a strategy for how to conserve a different endangered species.

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